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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Presurgery Assessment Today

Today we went back to Arlington Memorial Hospital to do Sheila's Pre-Op assessment. She had to go through her entire medical history because the hospital had already deleted all her info from just a few weeks ago and put it into their microfiche system. I would have thought all this info would be more accessible in this computer age! Anyways she had to have a EKC and more blood drawn and was given instructions on what to eat and not eat and when to eat it and not eat it. Also what time to be there tomorrow (2:15 PM the surgery is scheduled). The surgery to clean and debrade her wound should only take about 30-45 minutes. It is day surgery and she will be able to come home once she is out of recovery. That's all we did today except check our PO box and have lunch with my daughter Jacki who we met at the Post Office. We went to Wendy's and Sheila had a baked potato because she says fried or greasy food has been making her feel nauseous. She is sleeping right now since we got back to the house. A new lady has checked in here last night. Her name is Cathy and her husband is being checked for cancer at the same hospital. Mike (the wife) and Craig are still here and they were hoping to go home to Nebraska next week for a one week break if he does OK this week. They have been here for 4 months! Sheila is scheduled to have the chemo pack unhooked this Saturday and after tomorow's surgery maybe we will get a break for awhile from all this treament.
P.S. Today's cover picture is Toesock's on the Appalachian Trail looking out over the Great Smokey Mountains after the morning sun came up when we were leaving the shelter to start annother long day of hiking.

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