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Monday, August 17, 2009


Well we just came from the oncologist and it is official......Dr. DiStefano used the "R" word for the first time! The leukemia is in remission! Sheila's blood work all looked excellent, though the counts nose dive during rounds of chemo, they quickly bounce back to normal counts afterwards! This should ward off any thought of a bone marrow transplant. The next step is more rounds of chemo a few weeks apart of a slightly different type and schedule. These follow up rounds will be very potent but they should also extend the time between when they are given. No word yet on how many more rounds, we just have to wait and see how she does each time and take it from there. Right now all Sheila has is lab work once or twice a week and to see the surgeon about her arm healing. The arm is doing outstanding and the wound is now just about half of it's original size and rapidly closing up. It is no longer deep, and the entire area looks pink and healthy. Tell me she is not one tough little lady!!!!

Above picture is Sheila at Fort Adams, Newport, R.I. We rented kayaks and paddled from the Amoury on Thames to Kings Park, Ida Lewis, then Fort Adams and back.

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