We just came from the Arlington Cancer Center and Dr. DiStefano said Sheila's white count was 800 (it was just 600 last time we saw him) so it is on its way back up slowly. Her platelets are WAY up...... something like 160k, and her red cells are good. So now.....Monday another bone marrow biopsy and most likely with counts on the rise, 5 days of chemo just like round 2. This means 2 days at the Infusion Center for one chemo drug and 5 days with a chemo backpack of a second drug. Wednesday we also see the surgeon again and Dr. DiStefano, who looked at her arm also today says it looks good but he thinks it will require some type of medical procedure to close up the wound. Of course Dr. Bowers the surgeon has final say on that but I also think the wound is still too wide to close up on its own. We will have to wait and see. All and all things are going as good as they can with all this. So now we have the weekend with nothing to do but take care of her arm and see the oncologist on Monday to see if chemo will in fact be started. I guess it will depend on today's blood work and Monday's biopsy.
Pic today is me and Toesocks on Max Patch a "BALD" on the Apppalacian Trail. Scientists are still trying to determine how balds were formed and they date back to before settlers came to the region. Today they are slowly disappearing due to woody invasive species of plants brought to this country. I also recently read in JOURNEYS, the magazine of the Appalachian Trail, that they are now using herds of goats to graze off the woody plants because goats prefer them to "grasses". This hopefully will help save these balds and the tremendous views from atop them.
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