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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Breakfast at IHOP!

Today we have NO doctors, NO appointments, NO chemo, NO blood work, nothing to do at ALL! We slept in late, went to IHOP for breakfast and Sheila ate pretty good...pancakes and poached eggs and bacon. She has not gotten sick in more than 24 hours but feels weak and listless. I hope eating good and resting and NO doctors or treatment for awhile will get her strength back up. Last night we changed the dressing on her arm and it went surprisingly good. The surgeon has taken more skin away from the site and removed a little muscle tissue and vein. It was not too deep though and looks better, as in no infected looking areas but the wound is now larger and was left open to let it drain and heal from the inside. My thought at this point is that it will require a graft to close it up and let it heal completely but we will see the surgeon again on Wednesday and I will ask him about that. It is great that right now she is getting no chemo and does not have to lug around the fanny pack where ever she goes. I am going to take a couple pics of her wound when we change the bandage tonight and if they are not too graphic will post a pic on this blog. As it stands right now all we have ahead is to see the oncologist, Dr. DiStefano on Monday and get some blood work to see about the next step treating the AML, then on Wednesday we see the surgeon, Dr. Bower to determine what next to do about her arm. In the meantime I guess its hang around the WE CARE house and let Sheila rest .

P.S. The cover pic today is of me and Toesocks at the start of our 2009 AT hike. My sister Sue and her husband Mike drove us to the Belevale, New York Creamery, the site last year where we were forced off the trail by a broken leg. Little did we know that this year and 50 odd miles later we would be off the trail again due to Toesocks having leukemia!

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