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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Planting Oleanders in the Rain

Today the weather cooled off and Carol bought 13 five gallon Oleanders for me to plant for her along the back fence of the WE CARE house. i had already turned over all the dirt along the fence and was going to start putting in the plants when the rain came down. I got just two plants in. She is also going to buy 10 more plants since she now wants to do the side fence also! She also dropped of a box of romex (wire) off so i can finish up her wiring projects! Sheila is doing great and she starts chemo on Monday. This round will require turning the backpack machine on and of and I guess they will show us how to do it. She will also have to go to the infusion center everyday for a flush of her CVC line and to remove the pack. She will get the pack back on every other day for a week of chemo.

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